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Elon Musk warns of potential disclosure regarding a Brazilian judge, highlighting his actions during an investigation X that could potentially portray him unfavorably as someone disloyal to his nation.

By Christiaan Hetzner | Fortune
08 April 2024

Elon Musk is involved in a political battle in Brazil over social media censorship and has threatened to leak damaging evidence against one of Brazil's top judges.

Key takeaways:
1. Elon Musk has become embroiled in a political struggle in Brazil surrounding the censorship of social media and the 2022 election.
2. Brazil's Supreme Court justice Alexandre de Moraes has opened an inquiry into Musk's company X after he refused to comply with an order to block certain accounts.
3. Musk has portrayed himself as a champion of free speech but has received criticism for his inconsistent approach to censorship.

Counter arguments:
1. Some argue that Musk is not truly standing up for free speech but rather using it as a tool for his own political gain.
2. Musk has faced criticism for his uneven application of censorship, particularly in cases that align with his own values.

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